

Prepare Your Garden for Spring

Prepare Your Garden for spring because sometimes people buy a house because of its garden. Your garden doesn’t have to sprawl over several hectares to make a statement.

1. Revitalize Your Outdoor Space

After the winter months, it's time to rejuvenate your garden. Sweep away debris, compost fallen leaves, and eliminate lingering weeds and tired plants. Refresh your garden tools and irrigation system, ensuring they're in top condition for the season ahead.

2. Trim and Prune

Using your sharpened tools, trim dead branches and cut back overgrown growth. This promotes healthy new shoots and allows sunlight to reach emerging buds, fostering a vibrant spring and summer landscape.

3. Enhance Soil Health

Enrich soil with recommended well-rotted manure and compost. Boost its vitality with organic fertilizers, like our preferred chook poo pellets. This step, vital before mulching, counters nutrient depletion from mulch breakdown.

4. Mulch for Success

With warmer days imminent, mulch your nourished soil generously. Mulching conserves moisture, minimizes watering demands, and curtails weed proliferation. Leave unplanted space around stems and trunks to prevent potential decay.

5. Welcome New Greenery

Discover a variety of options at your local garden center, ensuring a captivating summer display of colors, herbs, and vegetables.

A beautifully designed, carefully implemented and well-maintained garden can substantially improve the value of a home, often cultivating as much interest in a property as a new kitchen or bathroom. It is no coincidence that spring is such a popular time to sell a home, because it is when gardens are displaying fresh new growth and flowers in bloom. With more tips on getting confident buyers, 𝗬𝗘𝗦 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗘𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲 can make it happen for you this Spring. Call our team on 1300 032 669.